Air Traffic Controller
Readers will learn what it takes to succeed as an air traffic controller. The book also explains the necessary educational steps, useful character traits, potential hazards, and daily job tasks related to this career. Sidebars include thought-provoking trivia.
Spinning at the boundary: The making of an air traffic controller
Air Traffic Control is one of the most misunderstood occupations in the world, and yet it effects anyone that has ever…or will ever fly in an aircraft. This book tells all. You may never fly again.
Corridors in the Sky: Revelations of a New York 9/11 Air Traffic Controller
FAAの航空管制官として生涯を生きたロバート・S・トットマンは、ニューヨークセンター空域のルート(コリドー)の混雑した航空交通の複雑な流れを、鋭くはっきりと指揮してきた。 9月の晴れた朝、ロバート・スコットは、ツインタワーと一緒にプライベートの生活も仕事も崩壊する一連の出来事を引き起こすハイジャックされた飛行機が、レーダースコープから消えていくのを見ていた。
LIVING THE HIGH LIFE as an FAA Air Traffic Controller, Robert S. Totman had the unimpeded ability to see and direct, with razor-sharp clarity, the complex flow of air traffic through the congested corridors of New York Center’s airspace. On a sunny morning in September, Robert watched a hijacked plane disappear from the radarscope, triggering a series of events that would crumble his personal and professional life along with the Twin Towers.
Visit Robert S. Totman on the internet, or invite him to speak at your event, through www.RSTvictory.com.
Flight Prep: A Pilot’s Guide to VFR ATC Communications
Miguel Puenteは、航空無線を学ぶ者が必要とするすべての知識を読みやすい形式で吸収できるように、Flight PrepとCheckride Prepを作り出しました。軍隊、航空会社、ジェネラルアビエーション(ビジネスジェエト)のパイロットの教育を担当したあと、時間とお金を節約するためにも学習ガイドを作成する方法を選んだ。このガイドでは、VFR ATC Communicationsのさまざまな側面を説明しています。タワーオペレーション、航空管制官がいない空港のオペレーション、機内オペレーションなど、すべて本書で効果的に説明されています。
Radio communication can be one of the most daunting elements of flight training. With the use of this guide, you’ll be well on your way to communicating like a professional!
Miguel Puente has developed the Flight Prep and Checkride Prep to help students absorb all the required knowledge in an easy-to-read format. After teaching military, airline-bound, and general aviation pilots, Miguel took it upon himself to create study guides that would save time and money. This guide covers all various aspects of VFR ATC Communications. From towered operations, uncontrolled airport operations, and in-flight operations, everything is effectively explained in this book.
Air Traffic Control Tower Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Netherlands Journal
Air Traffic Control All’s Not Clear Out the Tower Window (英語) ペーパーバック
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then you just don’t understand the situation.
引用: 本文9ページ
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